Frequent Travelling and Health/Nutrition Goals

If you travel quite often chances are you are eating out for most of your meals and not exercising as much as you normally would. Here are a few ways to stay on track with your exercise and nutrition plan so you don’t lose the momentum you have gained:

  • at your travel destination, try to choose a location to stay that is close to a gym and grocery store so you can get your workouts in and pick up some healthy food. If your hotel has a gym that is even better
  • choose a hotel room with a kitchenette so you can prepare your own meals
  • look at restaurant menus beforehand so you can pick the healthiest options
  • bring protein supplements, powdered vegetables, and homemade bars with you so you have healthy options no matter where you go

Staying on track while travelling can be challenging but some prep work before hand will help keep you focused and motivated!

To see 8 reasons why traveling is good for your health, check out this great article over at

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