TRX Pistol Squat

Hello again, it’s time for a new Home Exercise of the Week.  The exercise this week is a very challenging one that is done with a TRX suspension trainer.  It’s called the TRX Pistol Squat.  

The TRX in this exercise is mainly used to help maintain balance throughout the movement so if you don’t have one you can try doing the exercise without it, although it is much more difficult.  In this case I recommend standing close to something you can hold on to for support and balance like a squat rack or even a chair.  However, please do so with caution.

Let’s look at the muscles worked, benefits, and how to do the TRX Pistol Squat properly.

The TRX Pistol Squat is going to target your quadriceps, core muscles, glutes, and ankle stabilizers. 

By doing this exercise you’re going to:

  • improve your balance and coordination
  • build more unilateral strength – the strength of one limb versus the other (by doing unilateral movements you will help to correct any imbalances that may have occurred from doing regular squats)
  • have greater joint integrity and movement
  • enhance muscular activation

Here are the key points to doing the TRX Pistol Squat correctly:

  • grab the TRX handles and stand far enough back from the anchor point until your arms are almost fully extended
  • raise one foot off the ground and extend in front of you
  • firmly plant your other foot on the ground and place your body weight on to your heel
  • squat down while continuing to put your weight on to the heel
  • keep your back straight and push your hips back while squatting (like you’re going to sit down on to a chair)
  • keep your knee from extending past your toes as you squat down
  • lower your body until your butt almost touches the ground
  • from this bottom position push through your heel to raise yourself back up to the starting position
  • as you push up make sure to keep your knee and foot aligned and facing forward
  • use the TRX to help keep you aligned, balanced, and as a tool to help pull yourself back up as needed 

So there you have the TRX Pistol Squat.  It’s a very hard exercise but the benefits are great.

Give it a try and let me know how you do in the comments below.

See you next week with another new exercise!