Motivational Tip – Mental Focus

Focus on your fitness goals throughout your day imagining how it will feel when you achieve them and how good your body will feel.  Imagine the confidence you will have and the way you will move about with ease.  Imagine the abundance of energy and health you will have each day. Imagine the strength, balance, and agility a fit body will give you and definite purposefinally imagine the successful life you will have from the realization of your goal.

Achieving a goal creates incredible momentum and inspiration and it will spill over in to every aspect of your life.

Hold on to these imaginings and your subconscious mind will influence your actions towards making them a physical reality!


Health and Exercise Tip – Hydration

Thirst is a poor indicator of hydration levels in your body. Thirst kicks in after a 1-2% loss in body weight and by that time your performance is already affected. Stay ahead of this by ensuring you are water_and_glasses_201060properly hydrated throughout the day and especially before, during, and after your workout. Most food we consume in a day will give us 1L of fluids so strive to consume at least another 2L of fluids and even more in hot environments.