Compass Jump Squat

Hello! It’s time for a new Home Exercise of the Week and this week I have a great plyometric exercise for you to try called the Compass Jump Squat.

The Compass Jump Squat is going to fire up all the muscles of your lower body including glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles. The jump component will also work your fast-twitch muscle fibers and give you a great cardiovascular workout which means a higher heart rate and more calories burned.

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of the Compass Jump Squat.

  • start by standing tall with your feet shoulder width apart and toes pointed slightly outward
  • squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor while keeping your weight on your heels
  • maintain a straight back and keep your knees in line over your toes (don’t let your knees push forward past your toes)
  • from this squat position jump up as high as you can and turn your body 90 degrees clockwise
  • land from the jump and immediately go back down in to a squat
  • jump and turn another 90 degrees clockwise and repeat the movement until you have come all the way around
  • now repeat the 90 degree jump squats but this time go counterclockwise
  • keep squatting and jumping until you have reached your desired amount of reps or time

So there you have the Compass Jump Squat. You’ll be sweating, you’ll be huffing and puffing, but you’ll be working all those major leg muscles and burning lots of calories in the process!

Let me know how you do in the comments below or if you have any questions.

See you next week with another new exercise!