Bicycle Claps

Hey there! It’s time for another new Home Exercise of the Week and this week I have a great exercise for you to try called Bicycle Claps.

Bicycle Claps are going to get your abs burning and you will also be working your hip flexors (hip flexors are the muscles that help raise your legs up). The move is fairly straight forward but it does take a bit of co-ordination and balance so it may take a bit of practice to get good at it. 

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of Bicycle Claps.

  • start by sitting up on your mat and leaning back at a 45 degree angle
  • bend your legs and raise both feet off the floor
  • engage your abs by squeezing your stomach throughout the movement
  • from this starting position, extend your right leg while keeping your left leg bent
  • while you are extending your right leg, reach underneath your bent left leg and clap both hands together
  • return your right leg to the starting position and at the same time extend your left leg
  • now clap your hands together under your bent right leg
  • alternate back and forth for your desired amount of reps or time
  • remember to keep your abs engaged, upper body at a 45 degree angle, and your feet off the floor throughout the entire exercise

So there you have Bicycle Claps. You’ll be well on your way to a strong core if you add this move to your exercise routine!

Let me know how you do in the comments below or if you have any questions.

See you next week with another new exercise!

Gator Pushup Mountain Climber

Hello, it’s Home Exercise of the Week time again! This week I have a great combo exercise for you to try called the Gator Pushup Mountain Climber.

This is a tough one that will take some practice but the benefits are great and you will look pretty bad ass doing them! The Gator Pushup Mountain Climber works your chest, shoulders, triceps, core, hip flexors, and it builds endurance. If you can’t do the full pushup right away you can drop down to your knees and do a modified pushup then come back up on your toes to do the mountain climber. This modified pushup position will take some of the weight off your chest, shoulders, and triceps and make the exercise a bit easier.

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of the Gator Pushup Mountain Climber.

  • start in a full pushup position (or modified if needed) with one hand in line with your chest and the other hand slightly forward
  • while keeping your abs and glutes flexed, lower your body towards the floor until you’re almost touching then push back up and stop just before your arms lock out
  • now lift one foot off the floor and drive one knee forward while squeezing your abs
  • return your foot to the starting position and then repeat for the other leg
  • now you’re going to walk the hand that is in line with your chest forward until your other hand is in line with your chest. You’ve now switched the offset hand position
  • perform the pushup and mountain climber as previously described and repeat for your desired amount of reps. The pushup combined with the mountain climber is one full rep
  • you can walk forward for the whole set or you can add an extra challenge by walking backward for the last half of your set 

So there you have the Gator Pushup Mountain Climber. It’s a fun variation of the regular pushup and mountain climber but it is quite challenging so take your time getting the technique down and start from your knees if needed!

Let me know how you do in the comments below or if you have any questions.

See you next week with another new exercise!

Bicycle Twist

Hello HomeBody Training followers, it’s time for a new Home Exercise of the Week!  This week I have a great core exercise for you to try called the Bicycle Twist.

The Bicycle Twist is going to work your upper and lower abs, obliques, hip flexors, and lower back.  This exercise requires a bit of coordination and can be a bit tricky to get the movement going smoothly but once you get it I think you will enjoy this one a lot.  I know I do but I’m weird that way. 😉 

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of the Bicycle Twist.

  • sit down on your mat with your knees bent and lean back until your upper body is around a 45 degree angle
  • clasp your hands together, engage your abs, and raise your feet off the floor
  • from this starting position rotate to the right while flexing your abs and extending your left leg forward
  • now rotate your upper body all the way to the left side while bringing in your left leg and extending your right leg forward
  • keep rotating your body and extending your legs in a slow and controlled movement
  • repeat for your desired amount of reps or time

So there you have the Bicycle Twist!  You can make this even more challenging by holding on to a medicine ball, dumbbell, kettlebell, baby, or anything you have at home that can add resistance! 

Let me know how you like the Bicycle Twist and if you have any questions in the comments below.

See you next week with another new exercise!