Plank Jacks

Hello and Happy New Year! It’s a brand new year so let’s start 2021 off right with a new Home Exercise of the Week! This week I have a great cardio and core-strengthening exercise to show you called Plank Jacks.

Plank Jacks will help strengthen the muscles of the upper and lower body and will also increase core strength and stability, burn calories, and help reduce fat.

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of Plank Jacks.

  • start in a full plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet together. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels
  • while engaging your abs, jump both feet out wide to each side as if you were doing a horizontal jumping jack
  • stay in the plank position with your abs engaged as you quickly jump your feet back together
  • continue to jump back in and out for your desired amount of reps or time while keeping your back flat and don’t let your hips drop too much throughout the movement
  • you can also modify this to a lower impact version by stepping each foot out to the side and back in instead of jumping

So there you have Plank Jacks. Add this exercise to your routine and you will strengthen your core, help prevent back pain, and get the benefits of a cardio exercise!

Let me know how you do in the comments below or if you have any questions.

See you next week with another new exercise!

Jumping Jack Squat

Hey there, it’s time for a new Home Exercise of the Week! This week I have a heart pumping lower body and plyometric exercise for you to try called the Jumping Jack Squat.

The Jumping Jack Squat will work all the muscles of the legs including quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves and the jumping jack part of the exercise will give you a great cardiovascular exercise and will also work the arms and shoulders.

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of the Jumping Jack Squat.

  • start by standing nice and tall with your feet together and your arms at your side
  • lower your body like you are going to sit in a chair while keeping your weight on your heels and your back straight
  • make sure to drive your hips back to prevent your knees from going past your toes
  • once your thighs are parallel to the floor, explode up from the squat position and jump your feet out to the side while raising both arms over your head
  • jump your feet back together while lowering your arms down to your sides and descend back in to a squat
  • repeat the movement for your desired amount of reps or time

So there you have the Jumping Jack Squat. Your heart will be pumping, your legs will be burning, and you’ll be sweating. That probably doesn’t sound very pleasant but it will be worth it! 😉

Let me know how you do in the comments below or if you have any questions.

See you next week with another new exercise!

Plank Jumping Jack

Hey everyone!  It’s time for the Home Exercise of the Week and this week I have a plyometric core exercise for you to try.  It’s called the Plank Jumping Jack and the plank part of the exercise will isometrically work your core and the jumping jack part of the exercise will add the plyometric component to increase your heart rate and burn more calories.

Let’s take a look at the key points to doing the Plank Jumping Jack properly.

  • get in to the plank position on your forearms and toes with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders, hips down, and head in a neutral position
  • contract your abdominals throughout the movement
  • jump your feet out wide and then jump them back to the starting position
  • repeat at a quick pace for the desired amount of reps or time
  • to modify the exercise for a slightly easier version you can step one foot out at a time instead of jumping

So there you have the Plank Jumping Jack.  Give it a try and let me know how you do.  See you next week with another new exercise!